The U.S. Veterans Motorcycle Club is on a mission to serve our Veterans through the challenges they may be facing from illness, isolation or traumatic life experience. Each Veteran in need has a unique life story and a unique set of needs and when it comes to the needs of America's Veterans, our mission is challenging to say the least. We focus on respectful inquiry, compassionate listening and grateful acknowledgement. We as veterans know how to accompany and guide America's Veterans and their families through their challenges toward a more peaceful ending. We believe in the opportunity to work together in unity and cooperation for the betterment of veteran causes and the motorcycle community. We gather to coordinate with like-minded individuals and groups, forging relationships and fostering communications to present a united front for all veterans and motorcyclists and to promote unity and cooperation in pursuit of shared interests! We are a veteran's and motorcyclists club conceived by veterans and motorcyclists, in this, we will work to be the best we can be in everything we do!